Sunday, August 26, 2018

Profil AusEI English Institute


         AusEI is firstly established in Situbondo in the name of AUSEC in the year of 2004 and registered at Dinas Pendidikan on January 19th, 2004. The name of AUSEC then changed into AUSEI as the new name and brand on July 21, 2010.  By using the new name, AusEI moved to Jl.Wr.Supratman No.31 Situbondo as a new office and the right place to learn English in Situbondo. The owner and director is Syaiful Bahri,M.Pd. He was graduated from IKIP Malang. At present, AusEI has increasingly improved in all aspects, such as the office, administration, teacher, design material, managerial, teacher training, student community and the relationship with the schools in Situbondo. Some agreements with such schools has already been done up to now. 

            AUSEI adalah didirikan di Situbondo pada tahun 2004 dan terdaftar di Dinas Pendidikan pada tanggal 19 Januari 2004. Sejalan dengan waktu, sudah 14 tahun AUSEI berpengalaman dalam  dunia Pendidikan Non Formal.

Terwujudnya Lembaga AUSEI  yang komunikatif , competent dan berdaya saing

1.       Mewujudkan lulusan AUSEI yang kompeten dalam Bahasa Inggris secara praktis
2.       Mewujudkan pendidikan Bahasa Inggris berbasis karakter sehingga mampu bersaing di dunia kerja baik di tingkat lokal,  nasional, dan internasional.
3.       Mewujudkan kemitraan AUSEI dengan institusi pemerintah maupun  swasta, baik tingkat lokal, nasional, maupun internasional

You come, You see, You get

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